Pre-Congress Refresher Course

Pre-congress: Refreser course in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

August 31,2015
Kyoto International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto)

Prior to the WCVA 2015, the refresher course in veterinary anesthesia and analgesia will be held on August 31, 2015 by Asian Society of Veterinary Surgery and JSVAS. The lectures will be provided in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese by diplomats of American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia and specialized anesthesiologists from renowned universities. It will be a very good opportunity for Japanese, Korean, and Chinese speaking veterinarians to get a better understanding of veterinary anesthesia and analgesia.

We encourage your veterinary staffs and students to participate the WCVA 2015 and the pre-congress refresher course.

Pre-congress schedule:

August 31, 2015



To be noticed

Lecture title







① Premedication, sedatives





② Intravenous anesthetics





③ Pain management





④ Monitoring1





⑤ Monitoring2





⑥Anesthesia for dog & cat using inhalation anesthetics





⑦ Horse or exotic animal anesthesia


Japanese sake tasting (WCVA2015)

Lecture title and speaker: Japanese course

  1. ① 役に立つ前投薬の使い方~鎮静薬を使いこなそう~ 
    Dr. Hiroki Sano
  2. ② 導入薬の選択肢を増やそう~プロポフォールだけじゃない~
    Dr. Yukari Miyake
  3. ③ すぐにでも使いたくなる疼痛管理法~実践的な痛みの管理~
    Dr. Yukari Miyake
  4. ④ 麻酔事故を防ぐためのモニタリング~これを見逃すと命が危ない~
    Dr. Hiroki Sano
  5. ⑤ 麻酔のクオリティを上げるためのモニタリング~さらに上を目指すには~
    Dr. Hiroki Sano
  6. ⑥ 吸入麻酔のコツー麻酔器の構造が解ると毎日が変わります!
    Dr. Tokiko Banker-Kushiro
  7. ⑦ 大動物の麻酔ー馬やら豚やらの麻酔、覗き見しませんか?
    Dr. Tokiko Banker-Kushiro

Lecture title and speaker: Korean course

  1. ① 어떤 진정•진통제를 사용하지?  Dr. Inhyung Lee
  2. ② 개와 고양이에서의 효율적인 정맥 주사 마취제 선택 및 임상 적용  Dr. Lyon Lee
  3. ③ 언제 어떻게 통증을 치료하지?  Dr. Inhyung Lee
  4. ④ 마취 심도에 따른 여러 생리적 변화 감지법과 임상적 응용  Dr. Lyon Lee
  5. ⑤ 생체 기기 측정 장치를 이용한 마취중의 생리적 변화 정보 감시와 임상적 응용시 중요한 고려점  Dr. Lyon Lee
  6. ⑥ 개와 고양이에서의 효율적인 흡입 마취제 선택 및 임상 적용  Dr. Lyon Lee
  7. ⑦ 말에서의 마취중 주사 마취제와 흡입마취제 선택시 우선 고려되야 할 임상 요인과 몇가지 임상 사례  Dr. Lyon Lee

Lecture title and speaker: Chinese course

  1. ① 狗貓常用的鎮靜劑及麻醉前的給藥 Dr. Jeff Ko
  2. ② 靜脈麻醉誘導的種類與臨床上的應用 Dr. Jeff Ko
  3. ③ 簡單實用的狗貓臨床疼痛管理 Dr. Jeff Ko
  4. ④ 如何做好麻醉監控與儀器使用觀念-1 Dr. Hsien-Chi Wang
  5. ⑤ 如何做好麻醉監控與儀器使用觀念-2 Dr. Hsien-Chi Wang
  6. ⑥ 氣體麻醉設備操控與運用 Dr. Hsien-Chi Wang
  7. ⑦ 超迷你寵物的麻醉研討 Dr. Jeff Ko



Hiroki Sano, BVSc, Diplomate ACVAA

Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesiology, Institute of Veterinary, Animal & Biomedical Science, Massey University, New Zealand

Hiroki obtained a Bachelor degree of Veterinary Science from Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Japan. After 1 year small animal rotating internship, he completed Veterinary Anesthesia residency in Cornell University, USA and worked as a lecturer in University of Pennsylvania, USA. He is currently a senior lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesiology in Massey University, New Zealand.

佐野洋樹 BVSc, DACVAA: 2006年に日本獣医生命科学大学を卒業し、翌年は同大学動物医療センターで研修を修了する。その後渡米し、コーネル大学獣医学部麻酔科レジデントを経て、ペンシルバニア大学獣医学部で麻酔科講師を勤めた後、ニュージーランドのマッセイ大学獣医学部で麻酔科上級講師として現在に至る。

Yukari Miyake, BSc, BVSc, MSc, DACVAA
Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, James Cook University, Australia

Originally from Japan.  After obtained BSc in biology from Shinshu university, Japan, Yukari graduated as a veterinarian from Sydney University and then went on to complete a residency program in anaesthesia at Colorado State University, USA. Previous employers include Tottori Small Animal Clinical Research Foundation, Japan, the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University, Australia, Colorado State University, USA and the Royal Veterinary College, London.
Yukari joined the James Cook University team in 2011 as a Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia.

三宅ゆかりBSc BVSc MSc DACVA:信州大学理学部生物学科卒業後、1992年シドニー大学にて獣医学士習得。その後鳥取動物臨床医学研究所、シドニー大学にて勤務後アメリカコロラド州立大学にてレジデント、同時に理学修士を習得。以後コロラド州立大、オーストラリアのシドニー大学、チャールズ・スチュワート大学、ロンドン・ロイヤルベテリナリーカレッジにて勤務し、現在DipACVAA(米国獣医麻酔専門医)としてオーストラリアのジェームスクック大学獣医学・生体医科学部獣医麻酔学科にて上級講師として勤務している。

Tokiko Kushiro-Banker, BVM, MS, PhD, DACVAA
Lecturer, Anesthesia, University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Clinical Studies, U.S.A

Received her BVM and PhD (veterinary medicine) from Rakuno Gakuen University, Japan. Completed her residency program of veterinary anesthesia at Washington State University and received her MS in veterinary anesthesia from the same university. Post-training, she has worked as a veterinary anesthesiologist at Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, Virginia Tech, a clinical instructor in veterinary anesthesia at North Carolina State University, and a lecturer in veterinary anesthesiology at University of Pennsylvania. She is currently a consultant with Narkovet Consulting.

久代-バンカー 季子 (Tokiko Kushiro-Banker), BVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ACVAA


Dr. Inhyung Lee, DVM, MS, PhD
Associate professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.

Inhyung Lee, DVM, Ms, PhD, is an associate professor of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University.  He graduated Seoul National University and got his DVM.  He completed his PhD (Dorsolumbar epidural anesthesia of cattle) in Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, one of the United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences at Gifu University.  He had a chance to do research for pain mechanism in the spinal cord at the University of Texas Medical Branch.  He has been working at the anesthesiology section in the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Seoul National University since 2007 and spends long time in operating room, ICU, and ward for perioperative patient anesthesia and pain management.  Recently, he started construction of Farm Animal Clinical Training and Research Center as a director of large animal hospital.  His research interest is epidural and spinal anesthesia from lab animals to hospital patients.

이 인형, 수의학박사, 부교수; 이 인형 교수는 서울대학교 수의과대학 부교수로서, 서울대학교를 졸업하였으며 동 대학원에서 석사학위를 취득하였다.  일본의 기후대학대학원 연합수의학연구과 소속인 오비히로축산대학에서 ‘소의 요추경막외마취’에 대한 연구로 박사학위를 취득하였다.  또한, 박사후연구원으로서 미국 텍사스의 University of Texas Medical Branch에서 척수의 통증기전에 대한 연구를 진행하였다.  이 인형 교수는 2007년에 서울대학교에 임용되어 수의과대학 동물병원에서 마취통증의학과를 전담하며 환자의 마취와 통증관리를 위하여 수술실, 집중치료실, 입원실에서 많은 시간을 보내고 있다.  최근에는 평창 대동물병원의 병원장으로서 산업동물임상교육연수원의 건축을 진행하고 있다.  관심연구분야는 실험동물과 동물병원의 환자를 포함하는 모든 동물의 경막외마취 및 척수마취로서 현재 척수에서의 통증기전에 대한 연구를 진행하고 있다.

Lyon Lee, DVM, PhD, DACVAA
Western University of Health Sciences,USA

Lyon Lee, DVM, PhD, DACVAA, is an associate professor of anesthesia at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine in Pomona, California. He received his DVM degree from Seoul National University of Korea in 1989. Following a two-year period as an equine practitioner at the Korea Racing Association, he pursued a PhD program at the Royal Veterinary College, London, UK in the field of equine anesthesia, which he completed in 1996. He moved to the US in 1998, accepting a residency position in veterinary anesthesia at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. After completing the residency program, he became a member of the faculty at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine from 2000 to 2003 and then the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences at Oklahoma State University from 2003 to 2006. He has been a member of the faculty at the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine since 2007. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, and is a member of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists. His main research focus is in the area of cardiovascular pharmacology and microcirculatory physiology, e.g. tissue perfusion and oxygenation. His main clinical interests are cardiovasoactive therapy, clinical monitoring, and pain management.

이용훈 (Lyon Lee) 교수는현 미국 캘리포니아주 로스엔젤레스 카운티에 위치한 웨스턴 대학교 수의과 대학에서 부교수로 마취통증의학 교육을 담당하고 있다. 그는 서울대학교 수의과 대학을 84년에 입학후 수의학사 학위를89년도에 수여 하였다. 대학 졸업후 곧 한국 마사회에 입사 경주마 진료를91년 말까지 담당 하다 수의학 관련 영국 유학길에 올랐다. 유서 깊은 영국 왕립 수의과 대학 에서 수의 마취과학계의 저명 학자 캐씨 클라크 (K.W. Clarke) 교수 지도하에 수의 마취과학 학위 (Equine Anesthesia)를 이수PhD학위를 97년 취득 하였다.  이후 미국 일리노이 주립대 수의과 대학에 입학, 수의 마취학 레지덴트 과정을 2000년도에 이수 하였다. 레지덴트 과정 이수후 곧  버지니아 텍 수의과 대학 마취 통증의학 조교수로 부임 후 2003년까지 마취통증의학을 교수 하였다. 동년 오클라호마 주립 대학교 수의과 대학으로 적을 옮긴후 2006년말 까지 마취통증의학을 교수 하였다. 2005년부터 미국 마취 통증 전문의 정회원으로 협회 여러 분과에서 위원으로 활동 하고 있다. 그동안 수십편의 수의 마취통증과학 관련 연구논문을 국제 유명 학술지에 게재 하였고, 현재 마취 통증의학 관련 주제를 미국과 한국의 여러 전문가와 함께 공동 연구 하고 있다. 2007년 부터 2013년까지 6년간 서울대학교 수의과 대학 초빙 및 겸임 교수로 있으며, 매해 여름 2개월동안  수의대 부속 동물 병원에서 마취 통증, 응급 의학 관련 진료를 담당 하며, 한국내 마취통증 진료 향상에 도움을 주는데 노력 하였다. 또한 한국내 여러 수의과 대학 및 수의학회에 초빙되어, 마취 감시 방법의 향상 및 통증 완화, 심혈관계 약물 및 미세 혈류량 조절등 여러 마취 통증 관련주제로 활발한 강연을 해오고 있다.  이용훈 교수는 수의 마취통증 분야에서의 지속적인 활발한 연구, 저술, 강연을 통하여 동전문 분야의 임상 수준 향상에 일조 하고 있다.



Professor, Anesthesiology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,  College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, USA

Dr. Ko graduated from National Ping-Tung University of Sciences and Technology in Taiwan in 1981. He received his advance training in the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, USA. Dr. Ko has been a Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, since January 2006.  From 1992-2005, he held professorships in anesthesiology at Virginia Tech, University of Florida, and Oklahoma State University.  He was promoted to Full Professor at Oklahoma State University in 2005. Dr Ko became a Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia (DACVAA), in 1995.
Dr. Ko has strong interests in injectable/inhalant anesthesia and pain management research in several different areas, including hemodynamic of anesthetic drugs,  anesthetic monitoring technology, shelter medicine anesthesia and high volume, high  quality spay and neuter programs.  He has authored over 100 publications in the veterinary literature.  Dr. Ko has recently published a book, titled “Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management: A Color Handbook”. The hard-covered book has a total of 288 pages with 299 illustrations (Manson publishing/Thieme publishers).


柯教授曾發表了一百多篇獸醫有關的學術著作文章,並著有"小動物麻醉及疼痛管理" (Small Animal Anesthesia and Pain Management: A Color Handbook) 一書

Hsien-Chi Wang, DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan

Hsien-Chi Wang, DVM, PhD, is an associate professor of the Department of Anesthesiology at Chung Hsing University. He graduated from Chung Hsing Veterinary School and got his DVM.  He also completed his PhD in Chung Hsing University.  He has been working at the veterinary medical teaching hospital at Chung Hsing University since 2009 and spends long time in operating room, ICU, and ward for perioperative patient anesthesia and pain management.
